May 4 - Unit 7: Modern American Politics
Video Update 5/4/20
Hey All,
You guys have been crushing it. Keep up the good work and try to finish strong. I know that we are all getting tired of this. Make sure to feed the soul by doing some stuff that you love. That is why I have been fishing so much...
Things to do:
- Make up or Retake Test: Tomorrow, 5/5/20, we will have a retake time to do the test. I will post the code to Google Classroom at 8:00 AM and you will have about 12 hours to take it. There will be no more times to take the test besides tomorrow. (Login information is below)
- Modern American Politics Questions/Video: Please access the question sheet and video from Google Classroom. You will make a copy of the template and answer the questions on the Google Doc.
- Google Meet Check In: I do not have an agenda, but will be available for an all class Google Meet on Wednesday at Noon. We will start at noon sharp, so please be there promptly.
IO Assessment Login
For students to take test from home:
1) log into a Chrome browser with their district Google account
2) navigate to
3) simple click the Google button (see 1st screenshot below) and it automatically logs them in, no username or password required
4) lastly, they click the Take Online Test button on their Student Portal homepage (see 2nd screenshot below) and log in with Student ID and Session ID provided by their teacher.