May 11 - Ronald Reagan Activity

Video Update 5/11/20

Hello Again,

I am excited for another easy week in terms of content and assignments. We will use Wednesday as a day to ask content and logistical questions, and at week's end your assignment for the week will be due.

Here is what you should be focused on:
  1. Incomplete Students (and those in fear of an Incomplete): Please work with me. This is a time to have 100% pass rate. I have emailed many of you personally, texted through Remind, contacted your friends, and reached out to your families. Make up assignments, and start doing work on our current tasks. We only have a few weeks left.
  2. Finals: Last week, during our Google Meet, I mentioned only giving a final exam to those with an Incomplete. Unless I hear something different from admin, this is what we will be doing in our class. If you have earned a Pass based on your performance from the semester, that will be your grade. 
  3. Ronald Reagan Activity: This is a short activity that should not take you more than 3 hours (more like 1 hour, tops). You will examine a successful campaign ad that Reagan used during his re-election campaign. Make sure to watch my review video of the assignment before starting. It is in the blog, below.
  4. Google Meet: We will have a Wednesday Google Meet time at noon. I will send out a Remind message with the agenda at that time.

Ronald Reagan Activity - Instructions