
June 1 - Final Post

Video Update 6/1/20

Hey All,

Thanks for a great year. I hope I have the chance to see you again next year. Have a great summer, and if you have an incomplete currently please do the following:

  1. If you have an incomplete and you are in the 50% range - Set up a phone call with me, do work, turn it in, and email me telling me what to do. Work is due by Thursday June 4th!
  2. If you have an incomplete and you are BELOW the 50% range - Know that in the fall you will have a final exam when we return in the fall. If you score a 60% or higher on the test you can earn a passing grade.
I will email out an email to all parents and students with a link to this post.

Regards and Have a Great Summer,

- Mr. T

May 25 - George W Bush Activity

Video Update 5/25/20

Hey Everyone,

This is our last week with an assignment. You have all been doing really well. Keep it up and take care!
  1. Missing Assignments: Make sure you are emailing me when you submit an assignment late to Google Classroom. I don't know when you have submitted something unless you email me.
  2. George W. Bush Activity: Please complete the activity about George Bush on Google Classroom. There are only 2 open ended questions to answer.
Thanks for everything. You guys have rocked during this really difficult time.

- Mr. T

May 18 - Clinton Presidency

Video Update 5/18/20

Hey All,

Hope you guys are doing well. I have a headache and a scratchy throat. Hoping it is allergies... Anyway, here is what you should focus on this week.

  1. Clinton Activity: Complete the assignment about President Clinton. Please do not copy and paste as this will give you a zero on the assignment.
  2. Missing Assignments: If you need to complete missing assignments, make sure you email me with an itemized list of what was submitted. Please pass the class this semester!!!
  3. Wednesday Check In: Due to low turnout we will be cancelling this weeks meeting. If you have questions for me, you know what to do.

Mr. T

May 11 - Ronald Reagan Activity

Video Update 5/11/20

Hello Again,

I am excited for another easy week in terms of content and assignments. We will use Wednesday as a day to ask content and logistical questions, and at week's end your assignment for the week will be due.

Here is what you should be focused on:
  1. Incomplete Students (and those in fear of an Incomplete): Please work with me. This is a time to have 100% pass rate. I have emailed many of you personally, texted through Remind, contacted your friends, and reached out to your families. Make up assignments, and start doing work on our current tasks. We only have a few weeks left.
  2. Finals: Last week, during our Google Meet, I mentioned only giving a final exam to those with an Incomplete. Unless I hear something different from admin, this is what we will be doing in our class. If you have earned a Pass based on your performance from the semester, that will be your grade. 
  3. Ronald Reagan Activity: This is a short activity that should not take you more than 3 hours (more like 1 hour, tops). You will examine a successful campaign ad that Reagan used during his re-election campaign. Make sure to watch my review video of the assignment before starting. It is in the blog, below.
  4. Google Meet: We will have a Wednesday Google Meet time at noon. I will send out a Remind message with the agenda at that time.

Ronald Reagan Activity - Instructions

May 4 - Unit 7: Modern American Politics


Video Update 5/4/20

Hey All,

You guys have been crushing it. Keep up the good work and try to finish strong. I know that we are all getting tired of this. Make sure to feed the soul by doing some stuff that you love. That is why I have been fishing so much...

Things to do:

  1. Make up or Retake Test: Tomorrow, 5/5/20, we will have a retake time to do the test. I will post the code to Google Classroom at 8:00 AM and you will have about 12 hours to take it. There will be no more times to take the test besides tomorrow. (Login information is below)
  2. Modern American Politics Questions/Video: Please access the question sheet and video from Google Classroom. You will make a copy of the template and answer the questions on the Google Doc.
  3. Google Meet Check In: I do not have an agenda, but will be available for an all class Google Meet on Wednesday at Noon. We will start at noon sharp, so please be there promptly.

IO Assessment Login

For students to take test from home:

1) log into a Chrome browser with their district Google account
3) simple click the Google button (see 1st screenshot below) and it automatically logs them in, no username or password required
4) lastly, they click the Take Online Test button on their Student Portal homepage (see 2nd screenshot below) and log in with Student ID and Session ID provided by their teacher.

Apr 27 - Unit 6 Review and Unit 6 Test


Video Update 4/27/20

Hey Everyone,

I will be reaching out to students and families that are failing my class this week. Please help me, help you in passing the class. I need you to be in contact with me and completing missing work. For everyone else, we will have some unit review and a test on Friday! Here is what you should all be doing:

  1. Missing Assignments: As always, if there is a missing assignment that you are submitting late, email me with the assignment name and a call to action to grade it. If you have questions about other missing assignments email me with questions!
  2. Unit 6 Review Task: Please watch the attached screencastify video. You can fill out the graphic organizer and use it as a study guide for your test. Think of the test as a simple check in to see if you know what is going on. Worst case scenario you will retake it. 
  3. Unit 6 Test: We will take a test this Friday on IO Assessments. Please follow the instructions below for login information. I will post a code to Google Classroom on Friday morning with the code you need.
  4. Cancelled Google Meet: This Wednesday we will not be meeting using Google Meet. Please email, text through Remind, or set up a phone call if you have questions.

Unit 6 Review Screencastify

Unit 6 Test - IO Assessment Login

For students to take test from home:

1) log into a Chrome browser with their district Google account
3) simple click the Google button (see 1st screenshot below) and it automatically logs them in, no username or password required
4) lastly, they click the Take Online Test button on their Student Portal homepage (see 2nd screenshot below) and log in with Student ID and Session ID provided by their teacher.

Apr 22 - Google Meet Recap

Google Meet Recap (4/22/20)