Sept 9 - Finish Party Platform Activity
Hey All,
Today we will be finishing up our party platform activity. I want to make sure we are all working hard on this. Remember, you set the tone for your team. If others see you working hard, people will fall in line.
Best of luck! Interested to hear your positions on the issues?
- Mr. T
Agenda (PPT)
Project: Political Party Platform
HTC #4
Homework: CH 4.1
Today we will be finishing up our party platform activity. I want to make sure we are all working hard on this. Remember, you set the tone for your team. If others see you working hard, people will fall in line.
Best of luck! Interested to hear your positions on the issues?
- Mr. T
Agenda (PPT)
Project: Political Party Platform
HTC #4
Homework: CH 4.1