
Showing posts from 2019

Fall Final

As you all know, our final is 75 multiple choice questions for 150 points. This is weighted at around 17 percent of your total grade. Thanks to all of you that put forth hard work and dedication this semester. For those that fall short, please join us next semester. Modern American history is fascinating and should be a good time.

Thanks again and have a wonderful break!

- Mr. T

Agenda (NO PPT)

Fall Finals: 75 MC Questions for 150 Points

Homework: None

Dec 9 to Dec 16 - Finals Review

Welcome to the week before finals. This week we will be doing a few different things:
  1. Getting our Study Guide
  2. Relaxing with O' Brother Where Art Thou
    1. Mainly want you to relax and enjoy, while being immersed in the time period of The Great Depression
  3. Playing Kahoot! or Quizizz for FOUR separate Unit Reviews. NEW GAMES POSTED 12/15
This week we can also set up test make ups from last Friday.

Finish Strong!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Intro: Finals Review Task
Preview: Final Exam
Relax and Reflect: O’ Brother Where Art Thou
Play: Quizzizz and Kahoot!

Homework: Final Review and Study

Dec 6 - Unit 4 Test

Today we will end our final unit of the semester. There will be a little time to complete (or revise) your paragraphs for the test.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Paragraph Writing Review: Unit Level Question
Test: Unit 4

Homework: None

Dec 5 - Unit 4 Review

Today we will be finishing our presentations, if necessary, and reviewing Unit 4.

Our review of Unit 4 will give you an opportunity to work on a paragraph response to the Unit Level questions.

You're welcome ; )

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Finish Presentations (if necessary)
HT #26
Review: Unit 4
Paragraph Writing Review: Unit Level Question

Homework: Finish Paragraph and Bring ALL Notes for Test

Dec 4 - New Deal Presentations (Day 2)

Today we will hopefully be completing our New Deal presentations. Thanks for all the hard work!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Presentations: through Home Owners Loan Corporation
Finish and Submit: Notes from Presentations

Homework: None

Dec 3 - New Deal Presentations (Day 1)

Today we will start our New Deal Presentations. I am excited to see what you created and what you have to share.

Groups that present will depend on the time they take and absences. Be prepared for today or tomorrow.


Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

HT #25
Presentations: through Tennessee Valley Authority
Graphic Organizer for Audience*

Homework: None

Dec 2 - New Deal Project Final Workday

Welcome Back!

Today we will have a final workday to finish up our New Deal Presentations. Make sure to check in with me, work with your teams, and finish strong.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Review: Key Take-a-Ways
Final Workday: New Deal Project

Homework: Finalize Project

Nov 22 - Finish New Deal Project

Today we will work in our teams to finish our New Deal project. Please keep up with our workday goal and get to work!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp 15.2 and then submit CH 15 Readings
Continue: New Deal Project

Homework: Submit New Deal Project

Nov 21 - Continue: New Deal Project

Today will be our first full workday. Use it well and stay with the pacing of the workday goals!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Continue: New Deal Project

Homework: CH 15.2 Summary (Bring all CH 15 Readings for submission)

Nov 20 - Start: New Deal Project

I am excited for us to start our first project that will end in a presentation. Looking forward to it.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp: CH 15.1
Start: New Deal Project

Homework: None

Nov 19 - Intro CH 15 and Start: New Deal Project

Today we will discuss FDR and his New Deal policies. After that we will intro our New Deal project assignment and have our first New Deal presentation by yours truly... Mr. Thiemann

Thanks and see you soon!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

HT #24
Intro: CH 15 – The New Deal
Start: New Deal Project

Homework: CH 15.1 (Notes)

Nov 18 - CH 13/14 Quiz and Finish Dust Bowl Activity

Today we will be taking our CH 13/14 quiz. Additionally, we will finish our group task that we started on Friday.

Please use the link below to vote for School Site Council.

- Mr. T

School Site Council Voting

Agenda (PPT)

Quiz: CH 13/14
Activity: Dust Bowl
     Part 2 = Steinbeck/Lange Art Examination

Homework: Submit Dust Bowl Activity

Nov 15 - Dust Bowl Activity

Today we will be completing a table group activity that will follow a whole class pacing. Pay attentions to the written and verbal directions and leverage the strength of your team to complete the task.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discuss: Life During the Depression
Activity: Dust Bowl
     Part 1 = Causes of the Dustbowl
     Part 2 = Steinbeck/Lange Art Examination

Homework: Finish CH 14 for Monday’s Quiz

Nov 14 - Discuss: The Dust Bowl

Today we will discuss the Dust Bowl. This is an environmental catastrophe that made the Great Depression even worse. Yay...

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp 14.2
Activity: Great Depression Flow Chart
HTC #9
HT #23
Discuss: Life During the Depression

Homework: None (Quiz pushed to Monday)

HT #23

Nov 13 - Discuss: Causes of the Great Depression

Today we will start exploring the causes of the Great Depression. This will be part discussion and part flow chart showing the progression of the depression (including key causes).

See links below for those that are absent!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp 14.1
Finish Activity: Depression v. Recession
Discuss: Causes of the Great Depression
Activity: Great Depression Flow Chart
HTC #9

Homework: CH 14.2 Summary

HTC #9

Nov 12 - Activity: What is a Depression

Today we will be starting our discussion on the Great Depression. This is an interesting period of struggle in American history that comes after such great prosperity.

See you soon,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Return Work
Intro: The Great Depression (definitions)
Activity: Depression v. Recession

Homework: CH 14.1 Note Taking

Nov 8 - Finish Homer v. 18th Amendment

Today we will finish our Simpson's episode. After that, we will finish our worksheet, synthesize the information learned, and share with peers.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Submit: CH 13 Readings
Activity: Homer v. 18th Amendment

Homework: None

Nov 7 - Discuss: Prosperity and Prohibition

Today we will be having a short discussion about 1920s culture, this time centered around prosperity and prohibition. After that we will start our Simpson's episode that parallels the process of prohibition.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp: CH 13.4
Discuss: Prosperity and Prohibition
Start: Homer v. 18th Amendment

Homework: Assemble CH 13 Readings

Nov 6 - Finish: On the Shoulders of Giants

Today we will be finishing our documentary about the Harlem Rens. Make sure to stay focused and finish all the questions.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp: CH 13.1
Finish: On the Shoulders of Giants

Homework: CH 13.4 Summary

Nov 5 - Discuss Flappers and Fundamentalists and Continue Documentary

Today we will discuss some of the cultural changes during the 1920s as well as the fundamentalist response.

After the short discussion, we will continue our viewing of On the Shoulders of Giants.

See ya soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discuss: Flappers and Fundamentalists
Continue: On the Shoulders of Giants

Homework: CH 13.1 (Note Taking)

Nov 4 - Intro Unit 4 and Start: On the Shoulders of Giants

Today we will be starting our final unit of the semester. This unit will start in the 1920s and take us the New Deal programs of FDR.

As we get into our first section of the unit (the culture of the 1920s), we will examine the phenomenon of the Harlem Renaissance. This is a time when African American culture had a safe space to flourish in the community of Harlem in New York city. We will examine a specific side-effect of this Renaissance through the development of the Harlem Rens basketball team.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Submit: Political Cartoons
HT #22
Intro: Unit 4 (Unit Assignment Sheet)
Start: On the Shoulders of Giants (WS)

Homework: None

On the Shoulders of Giants

Nov 1 - Unit 3 Test

Today we have to take our unit test and then submit our political cartoons. You will have whatever time is left after the test to complete the cartoon.

Thanks for the hard work this unit!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Test: Unit 3
Finish: Political Cartoons

Homework: None

Oct 31 - WWI Political Cartoon

Today, we will engage with post-war agreements one final time. We will examine political cartoons of WWI and have a chance to create one ourselves.

Remember, trying and finishing is key. There is a pretty clear rubric for this task, so make sure to read and understand that.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Analyze: Political Cartoons after WWI
Create: Political Cartoons

Homework: Study for Unit 3 Test

Oct 30 - Finish Comparative Analysis of Treaty of Versailles and 14 Points

Today we will be getting some new seats and finishing our Google Classroom activity.

Please make sure to follow the directions and have some take-a-ways about the Treaty of Versailles and American Isolationism.


- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Compare/Contrast: 14 Points and Treaty of Versailles

Homework: None

Oct 29 - Treaty of Versailles vs. 14 Pts

Today we will be taking a closer look at the specifics of how the war ended. We will start a Google Classroom activity today that we will finish tomorrow.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

HT #21
Recap: 14 Points and Treaty of Versailles
Compare/Contrast: 14 Points and Treaty of Versailles

Homework: None

Oct 28 - Discuss: Major Themes of WWI

Today we will be discussing some of the major themes of WWI. Get ready to take some notes and answer some on the spot questions.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

HT #20
Discuss: Themes of WWI

Homework: None

Oct 25 - Finish Entry into War Activity

Today we are going to finish our study of America's entry into WWI. We will do this by reading an excerpt from Howard Zinn's People's History of the United States.

In doing so we will see a unique take on why the U.S. may have been motivated to go to war.

Any remaining time we have will be spent looking over Moral Diplomacy and Wilson's 14 Points.

Happy River Bowl,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Submit: CH 11 Readings
Finish Activity: U.S. Entry into WWI
Discuss: Themes of WWI

Homework: None

Howard Zinn Revisionist History

Oct 24 - Intro WWI and Activity: Entry into War

Today we be formally introducing World War I. Spent some good time developing a solid task for you all.

Please stay engaged and follow along. Readings are attached if you are absent.

See you soon,

Agenda (PPT)

HT #19
Intro: WWI
Activity: U.S. Entry into WWI 

Homework: Finish CH 11 Reading for submission tomorrow

Oct 23 - SUB PLAN Workday CH 11.3

Today you will all have a workday to focus on CH 11.3 readings. I hope you use the time wisely and finish your CH 11 reading tasks.

See you Thursday!

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp: CH 11.1
Workday: CH 11.3

Homework: None

Oct 22 - American Experience "The Great War"

Today we will take a break of sorts and ease into WWI with a documentary film from PBS.

This series is available on Amazon Prime and called The Great War.


Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Review: Timeline Project
View: American Experience – The Great War

Homework: CH 11.1 Summary

Please see this link from Principal Perez

Sadies Dance


Oct 21 - Finish Spanish American War Poster and Quiz CH 9/10

Today we will be finalizing our Spanish-American War posters and then taking a quick quiz.

To be best prepared for our quiz, as well as prepared for the week we need to discuss the foreign policy strategies that the Imperial presidents employed.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

FINISH: Spanish American War Poster
     (15 Min)
HT #18
Discuss: Presidential Foreign Policy
Quiz: CH 9/10

Homework: None

Oct 18 - Finish Spanish American War Poster

Simple task...finish strong. We will be taking another whole work day to complete the task. I want these to be awesome!

Good Luck,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Finish: Spanish American War Poster
HTC #7
Discuss: Presidential Foreign Policy
Quiz: CH 9/10

Homework: Chapter 9/10 Quiz Monday

Oct 17 - Spanish American War Poster Workday

Today we need to focus on our posters. Please make sure to follow all the directions, stay engaged, ask good questions, and finish the task.

Best of luck,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp 10.4
Poster Project: Spanish American War
HTC #7

Homework: Finish CH 10 Readings

Oct 16 - Quick Discuss Spanish American War and Start Poster Project

Today we are going to be quickly discussing the Spanish-American War and then starting our poster project on the same topic of discussion.

Before starting down that path we will be finishing our previous day's lesson on American Exceptionalism.

Thanks for your efforts,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp CH 10.2
     Review EDpuzzle: American Exceptionalism
     HTC #7
Quick Discuss: Spanish American War
Poster Project: Spanish American War

Homework: CH 10.4 Summary for EC

Oct 15 - EDpuzzle: American Exceptionalism

Today we will take a deeper dive into American Exceptionalism. We will do that through the review of a video examining this issue with questions throughout.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

HT #17
EDpuzzle: American Exceptionalism
     Completed on a separate sheet of paper and to be submitted at the end of class
HTC #7

Homework: CH 10.2 Notes for EC

HT #17

EDpuzzle American Exceptionalism

HTC #7

Oct 14 - Discuss: American Imperialism

Today we will transition to the core of our new unit, American Imperialism. We will look into why America transitioned into foreign policy and the impacts that had on the rest of the world.

Today will mostly be a discussion and note taking time, but we will transition into a different learning modality (types of things we do in class) by the end of the week.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

HT #16
Discuss: American Imperialism
HTC #6

Homework: None

Oct 11 - SUB DAY Finish: Gilded Age Timeline Project

Hey Guys and Gals,

Today you know what to do:

  1. Turn in your CH 9 Readings
  2. Work as hard as you can to finish your timeline in 40 minutes
  3. If you can't finish, still transition into the comments protocol of the assignment
    1. Two comments from Vulcan Partner
    2. Two comments from Bajoran Partner
  4. Finish a completed project before the due date time this evening at 11:59PM
Please make me a proud teacher today. Let the sub leave a report that praises you all as students and our class environment overall. The alternative will not end well for either of us.

Thanks and have a great weekend,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Turn in CH 9 Reading Assignment
Workday 4: Timeline Project

Homework: Submit Project to Google Classroom

Oct 10 - Discuss Wilson and Workday #3

Today we are finishing our discussion of progressive presidents with Woodrow Wilson. Hopefully you are able to read a little about his presidency before class and already have some information to apply to your timeline.

Let's try to finish strong this week with our workday. It is expected that your timeline is mostly finished and ready to review for Friday.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp: 9.5
Discuss: Wilson’s Presidency
Workday 3: Timeline Project

Homework: Finish Project and Finish Notes!!!

Oct 9 - Discuss Taft and Workday #2 - Timeline Project

Hey All,

Today we will be discussing our largest president (over 350 lbs) and the only one to serve as a supreme court chief justice after the fact.

After that you will have time to work on your timelines. Stay focused and work hard!

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discuss: Taft’s Presidency
Workday 2: Timeline Project

Homework: 9.5 Summary for EC

Oct 8 - Discuss Roosevelt and Workday #1 - Timeline Project

Hey Folks,

Today we will be discussing the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt. We will focus on his progressive era reforms and his legacy as a "trust buster".

Let us be like Roosevelt and follow his advice on life:

“ In life, as in a football game, the principle . . . is: Hit the line hard.” - Theodore Roosevelt

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp 9.3
Discuss: Roosevelt’s Presidency
Workday 1: Timeline Project

Homework: None

Oct 7 - Discuss Progressivism and Intro: Timeline Project

Today we will intro our third unit. This gets us into the 20th Century and we will focus on American foreign policy. Yet, our first chapter of the unit (CH 9) will focus on the Progressive Era response to the Gilded Age problems.

That is what we will focus on this week and we will complete a digital timeline project, graphically illustrating those connections.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

HT #15 – Modern America Emerges
Discuss: Progressivism (CH 9)
Intro: Timeline Project

Homework: CH 9.3 Notes for EC (good info for the timeline too)

Oct 4 - Unit 2 Test

Good luck today. This is when your hard work pays off.

See you soon and have a great (and safe) homecoming weekend!


Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Test: Unit 2


A little clip to make you happy...

Oct 3 - Paragraph Peer Review and Kahoot

Hopefully you all have an attempt at a completed paragraph response. That way we can jump straight into peer review.

During the peer review please pay close attention to the process and feedback instructions on the PowerPoint.

After that we will play a little round of Kahoot! that will help us with our Unit 2 Test.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp 8.4
Peer Grade: Structured Paragraph
Kahoot! Review: Unit 2

Homework: Finish Chapter 8 Readings

Oct 2 - Unit Question Writing Template and Workday Wednesday

Hey Folks,

Today we will be finishing our previous lesson and using the remainder of our Wednesday Workday for completing a paragraph response to our Unit Level Question and working on our 8.4 Summaries.

Thanks for the effort!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Finish: W.E.B. DuBois Reading
Review and Write: Structured Paragraph
Workday Wednesday: CH 8.4 Summary

Homework: Ch 8.4 Summary for Tomorrow EC

Oct 1 - Gilded Age Civil Rights - Comparative Analysis

Today we will be taking a look at the civil rights push during the Gilded Age. In doing so we will examine two primary source documents: one from Booker T Washington and one from WEB DuBois.

In analyzing these documents we will answer the question: Who was a stronger advocate for African Americans, Booker T. Washington or W.E.B Dubois?

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp 8.3
HT #14
Recap: Reconstruction to Gilded Age
Primary Source Analysis: Booker T Washington and WEB DuBois

Homework: None

Sept 30 - The Men Who Built America - Video

Hey Everyone,

Today we will watch out first video in class. The series is from The History Channel and focuses on The Gilded Age. Today's episode is about Cornelius Vanderbilt and his rise to become one of America's Captain's of Industry.

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Pass Back Papers
View: The Men Who Built America
     Episode 1 - Viewable with Amazon Prime

Homework: CH 8.3 Notes for EC Tomorrow

The Men Who Built America

Sept 27 - EDpuzzle Review and CH 6/7 Quiz

Today we will be taking the CH 6/7 quiz using the Chromebooks. This tech is new to me but I am confident that it will be easy.

My guess is that it will be the highest scores to date!


Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Review: Edpuzzle - Immigration
HTC #5
Quiz: CH 6 and 7

Homework: None

Sept 26 - EDpuzzle Immigration

Hey Everyone,

Today we will be doing something a bit different. We will be independently accessing the curriculum through an EDpuzzle video. These are videos that have pop up questions embedded and allow you to rewatch and go at your own pace.

If this goes well, this might be a good alternative for future homework assignments.

Have a great Thursday!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp CH 7.3
HT #13
Edpuzzle: Immigration

Homework: Finish CH 7 Readings for CH 6/7 Quiz

Sept 25 - Finish: The Jungle and Workday Wednesday

Today we will continue with our reading of The Jungle. After that you can have whatever remaining time to work on your CH 7.3 readings.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Read and Annotate: The Jungle
Workday Wednesday
     CH 7.3

Homework: CH 7.3 Summary – Bring tomorrow for EC

Sept 24 - Finish CH 7/8 Discussion and Start: The Jungle

Looking to finish up our discussion fairly quickly and then get into our primary source reading for the day.

The Jungle is a book that examines the meat packing industry of the Gilded Age. We will find out if being a laborer in this time period sounds good to you... school may not seem that bad after we read this excerpt.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp CH 7.2
HT #12
Discuss: CH 7 and 8 – Politics and Reform
Read and Annotate: The Jungle

Homework: None

HT #12

Sept 23 - Finish Political Cartoons and Discuss CH 7/8

Hope you are all well rested from the weekend. I was able to finish grading the Unit 1 Tests. There are still some that have not completed this. Not sure what happened with this, but if you don't make it up by the end of this week it will turn into a zero.

Many decent scores on the test and some awesome examples of paragraph format. Thanks for the hard work!
via MEME

I'm excited to see your finished Political Cartoons.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Create: Political Cartoons
Discuss: CH 7 and 8 – Politics and Reform

Homework: Tomorrow CH 7.2 (Notes) for EC Stamp

Sept 20 - Gilded Age Political Cartoons

Today we will be examining political cartoons. After we have an idea of what a good cartoon looks like, we will create one ourselves.

Happy Friday,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Turn In: CH 6.1 and 6.3
HT #11
Discuss: Political Cartoons
Create: Political Cartoons

Homework: Finish Political Cartoons to Turn In Monday

Sept 19 - Flocabulary Lyric Analysis - Gilded Age

Hey Folks,

Today we will be doing something a bit different. We will be analyzing some lyrics of a song about the Gilded Age. This will require you to use your textbooks, your peers, and your context clues to figure out the meaning behind the lyrics.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp: CH 6.3
HT #10
Flocabulary Lyric Analysis: The Gilded Age

Homework: Bring CH 6.1 and 6.3 Friday

Sept 18 - Finish CH 6/7 Discussion and Workday Wednesday

Hey All,

Today we will finish up our conversation about CH 6 and 7. After that we will have a Workday Wednesday to make up the unit test and possibly start on CH 6.3 reading notes.


Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp: CH 6.1 Summary
Discuss: CH 6 and 7 – Industry, Immigration, and Urbanization
Workday Wednesday: Unit 1 Test ReTake/Make Up, CH 6.3 Note Taking

Homework: CH 6.3 Note Taking (bring to class tomorrow for an Extra Credit Stamp)

Sept 17 - Discuss CH 6 and 7

Hey Folks,

Excited to talk to you about the topic of Industry, Immigration, and Urbanization. During this time period we get to see a glimpse of what America looks like today.

Stay engaged, ask questions, be curious...

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

HT #9
Discuss: CH 6 and 7 – Industry, Immigration, and Urbanization

Homework: CH 6.1 Summary (bring to class tomorrow for an Extra Credit Stamp)

HT #9 - Video Supplement

Sept 16 - Return and Review Prior Work and Intro Unit 2

Today we will ease into the work week by returning and reviewing assignments. I have not scored the Unit 1 Test yet, so don't ask ; )

Additionally, we will go over the Unit 2 Assignment Sheet and see if you have any questions.

Thanks for your time,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Return: Past Work
Review: Past Work
HT #8
Intro: Unit 2
HTC #4

Homework: Print Unit Assignment Sheet (if able)

Football Highlights... great catch at the game Luke, and awesome vision Blake

Sept 13 - Unit 1 Test

Hey Folks,

For today, make sure to have your:

  • Missouri Compromise Map
  • Paragraph Template
  • CH 3 and 4 Notes
  • History Today Comp Book for Submission

That can all be used with the test, and I will be collecting the Paragraph Template and MoComp Map. I will come around and check off the Chapter Reading Notes.

Thanks for all the hard work this Unit!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

History Today Submission
Finish Writing Workshop: Two Chunk Paragraph
Test: Unit 1

HomeworkAccess Unit 2 Assignment Sheet when posted to the blog

Sept 12 - Discuss CH 4 and Start Unit 1 Test (Writing Workshop)

Today we will be prepping for our test tomorrow. That will be through review of CH 4 readings (aka Civil War and Reconstruction).

After that we will start our test through a deeper examination of paragraph writing. Really hope to get you guys straightened out for our test on Friday.


Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discuss: CH 4 The Union in Peril
Writing Workshop: Two Chunk Paragraph

Homework: Finish CH 3 and 4 Notes and Bring to Test tomorrow

Sept 11 - Wednesday Workday: Finish MoComp Discussion and Mapping

Hey Guys and Gals,

We are back at it for a Wednesday Workday. After we finish the discussion and I give the mapping directions, we will differentiate tasks. Some will take quizzes, others will work on the maps, and if you are done with all that you have time for CH 4.4 notes.

Thanks for sticking with it and trying. Let's persevere!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Finish: Discussion and Mapping - Missouri Compromise
Workday: CH 4 Readings, Quiz Re-Takes or Make-ups

Homework: CH 4.4

Sept 10 - Discuss CH 3 Growth of a Nation and Mapping: The Missouri Compromise

Today we will be reviewing major themes and issues from CH 3. In addition to that we will map out the areas of the Missouri Compromise and answer a few questions.

Tomorrow we will be finishing our maps and having a workday for quiz make-ups and re-takes.


Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Finish: HTC #4
Discuss: CH 3: Growth of a Nation
Mapping: Missouri Compromise

Homework: CH 4.2

Sept 9 - Finish Party Platform Activity

Hey All,

Today we will be finishing up our party platform activity. I want to make sure we are all working hard on this. Remember, you set the tone for your team. If others see you working hard, people will fall in line.

Best of luck! Interested to hear your positions on the issues?

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Project: Political Party Platform
HTC #4

Homework: CH 4.1

Sept 6 - Political Parties Project Day 2

Image result for democratic-republican         Democratic-Republican vs. Federalist                 Image result for federalist party

Today we will have the entire period with our groups. I will be around to facilitate the conversation and make sure we are all on task.

Should go pretty fast. Remember... many hands make light work...

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Project: Political Party Platform

Homework: Wrap Up CH 3 and Start CH 4 Assignments

ASB Announcement

Do you have opinions you want to share
about our school to ASB?
Then scan and answer this survey!

Sept 5 - Political Party Platform Activity

Today we will be taking a deeper dive in the content, specifically around America's first political parties.

In order to do that effectively, we will first discuss the origins of these parties and then get into groups for our project.

Please make sure to follow the directions for this project outlined in the PowerPoint as well as the directions on the assignment itself.

Agenda (PPT)

History Today #7
Quick Discuss: Rise of Political Parties
Project: Political Party Platform

Homework: CH 3.3 (Summary) and 3.4 (Notes)

Sept 4 - Wednesday Workday: Review Previous Assignments and Ch 3.2 Time

Hey All,

Good work on the quiz yesterday. Many of you saw some strong improvements. Soon, we will focus on argumentative writing structures to help bolster your short answer scores.

Today we will take time for quiz and assignment review, CH 2 quiz make-ups, and CH 3.2 reading and notes.

Looking forward to seeing you, Thursday and Friday will be a change of pace with a large group activity.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Amend: Unit 1 Assignment Sheet
Review: CH 1 Quiz Results
Review: Google Classroom Submissions
Workday: CH 3.2 (Notes)

Homework: CH 3.2 (Notes) and CH 3.3 (Summary)

Sept 3 - Finish Dicsussion and CH 2 Quiz

Hey All,

Today we will be submitting our CH 2 Notes and taking a quiz. Before we do that we will finish our CH 2 discussion and discuss some of the questions before we take our assessment.

See below for a sneak peak of the quiz!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Review: CH 2
Quiz: CH 2

Homework: CH 3.1 (Summary)

“No man was a warmer wisher for a reconciliation than myself, before the fatal nineteenth of April, 1775, but the moment the event of that day was made known, I rejected the hardened, sullen tempered Pharaoh of England forever . . . the wretch, that with the pretended title of Father of his people can unfeelingly hear of their slaughter, and composedly sleep with their blood upon his soul.” —Thomas Paine, Common Sense

What does this quote mean? Who is Thomas Paine? What is the significance of Common Sense? 

How did the conflict between state and federal authority shape the early years of the United States?

How would you answer this Unit question after reading CH 2?

Aug 30 - Finish CH 2 Discussion

Thanks for a great first half of our CH 2 discussion. I know that things can get boring. Keep asking good questions and that will help.

Today we will finish the notes (or I hope to get that far). Stay focused and keep asking the good questions.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discuss: CH 2 - Revolution to Constitution

Homework: None

Aug 29 - Discuss: CH 2

Today we will be talking about CH 2 as a whole. Hope you have context from your reading as well as questions you might be able to ask.

Looking forward to seeing you all!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

History Today #6
Discuss: CH 2 - Revolution to Constitution

Homework: Finish Notes and Summaries for CH 2

HT #6 Video

Aug 28 - CH 1 Quiz Makeup and ReTake and CH 2.2 Summary Day

More, in class time, to work on readings. This time should be spent well and you will receive credit for staying on task.

Additionally, we will have quiz retakes and makeups going on. Make sure to be respectful of your classmates testing time.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Make Up and Re-Take: CH 1 Quiz
Workday: CH 2

Homework: Read CH 2.2 (Summary) CH 2.3 (Notes)

Aug 27 - Ch 2 Workday

Today we will discuss our quiz scores, CH 1 Notes (the good and the bad), and have time to align our work with the class expectations.

Hopefully you come away more motivated for the future, and also know a little about our Revolutionary time period!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

History Today #5
Return and Reflect: CH 1 Notes
Workday: CH 2.1

Homework: Read CH 2.2 (Summary) CH 2.3 (Notes)

Aug 26 - Finish About Me Paragraph

Hey All,

Hope you had a restful weekend. Today we will be easing into the work week by finishing our About Me paragraphs. If you accidentally submitted prematurely, please unsubmit.

I hope that we can all snag a bunch of points on this assignment!

Also, if you still do not have the Unit Assignment Sheet make sure to get an updated copy here.

Agenda (PPT)

Quick Chat: CH 1
Finish: About Me Paragraph
HTC #2

Homework: Read Ch 2.1 (Notes)

Football Highlights

Time to get back up and try again vs. Corning.

Aug 23 - Review Chapter 1 and Quiz

Hey Folks,

Hope you all feel confident about your first quiz. Whatever happens, there is only room for improvement. There will be many opportunities for you to demonstrate your knowledge and earn points this year. In other words, don't freak out too bad.

See you soon,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

History Today #4
Review: Chapter 1
Quiz: Chapter 1

Homework: Read Ch 2.1 (Notes)... work on this only if you can.

Aug 22 - About Me Paragraph

Today we will have all class to get out paragraphs straight. You are talking about yourself so it should be easy. Make sure you are following all directions and aligning your work with the rubric!

Good Luck,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

HTC#1 - Sorry, didn't do this yesterday... my bad
History Today #3
Discuss: Google Drive and Chromebook Usage
Start: About Me Paragraph
HTC #2

Homework: Finish all reading for Friday. Bring to class organize and ready to be used on the quiz and submitted.

Aug 21 - Google Drive and Chromebook Expectations

The rest of the week should give us some time to switch gears. I want to make sure that we are all proficient with Chromebooks and Google Drive applications such as Docs. So we will be checking out the Chromebooks and practicing our skills.

Tomorrow we will take that to the next level with the completion and submission of a Google Classroom assignment.

See you around,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

History Today #2
Discuss: Google Drive and Chromebook Usage
History Today Closure #1

Homework: CH 1.3 (Note Taking) and CH 1.4 (Summary)

Aug 20 - FINISH CH 1 Notes and Skim and Scan Lesson

Hey All,

One way or another, we are finishing our chat about Chapter 1. After that we can reference our skimming and scanning handout to make sure we are all good with the textbook readings.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discuss: Creating a New Nation
Skim and Scan: CH 1.1

Homework: CH 1.2 and 1.3 (Note Taking) Awesome note taking resource I found!

Aug 19 - Finish CH 1 Discussion and Skim/Scan Ch 1.1

Hope you all had a restful weekend. Glad that the heat has simmered down a bit.

Today we will start using our composition books for History Today activities. Also, we will finish our discussion and practice "not reading" the textbook. ; )

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

History Today #1
Discuss: Creating a New Nation
Skim and Scan: CH 1.1

Homework: Read CH 1.1 (Summary) and 1.2 (Note Taking)

Aug 16 - Materials Check and Finish Discussion on CH 1

It's Friday already. Don't you wish all weeks were only three days? Today we will finish our discussion and check to make sure that you followed up on your responsibilities to bring materials to class.

Hope you have a restful weekend, and remember to look over that unit assignment sheet and keep up on your readings.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Turn In: Syllabus Signatures
Check: Composition Books
Review: Unit Assignment Sheet
Discuss: Creating a New Nation
Skim and Scan: CH 1.1 
     Probably pushed to Monday

Homework: Read CH 1.1 (Summary) and 1.2 (Note Taking) DO THIS ONLY IF COMFORTABLE AND WANT TO GET AHEAD

Aug 15 - Discussion: Creating a New Nation

You came back! Day one is always exciting, but day two is when the grind starts and reality sets in. Again, hope you are reading this blog. It is very important.

Today we will be goofing around and then discussing the founding of our nation. Knowing my style, we probably will not finish what I have planned.

Happy to see you again,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Participate: Star Trek Partners
Review: Unit Assignment Sheet
Discuss: Creating a New Nation

Homework: Buy Composition Book, Read Unit Assignment Sheet, Bring Syllabus Signatures

August 14 - First Day!

Welcome back to school and welcome to Room 814! I'm hoping that this school year is informative, chill, and not a waste of time. Regardless of your love, or distain, for history I hope that you will continue to grow your academic skills that will help you in all of your classes.

Every day of instruction will have a blog post on this website. There will be hyperlinks for worksheets, PowerPoints, and Google Classroom assignments. It is important to have access to this site so you can stay up to date on what is going on in class.

Have a great first week and hope to see you all soon!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

 Locate: Your seat… take attendance
Introduction: Who is Mr. T
Distribute: Books, Syllabus, and Questionnaire
Review: Syllabus

Homework: Buy Composition Book, Fill out questionnaire, and get Syllabus Signatures


Hey All,

This post is to welcome you to the class website. I doubt that many of you will read this, but that's ok. Actually, I should hide a bit of extra credit in this post just to see who is diligent enough to read through materials for the course. How about five points! If you send me an email to stating that you read this post, I will get you some extra credit. Only stipulation is that it has to be sent by midnight on 8/14.

Anyway, I digress. Please make sure you have access to this website. If you do not, I will make sure to get you the information in an alternative way. But, hopefully, between school internet access, libraries, family electronics,  and friends you can access the website. This site has agendas for every day of class and the course materials. It is VERY important!

Looking forward to getting to know you all and excited for the school year!

Mr. T