
Showing posts from June, 2020

June 1 - Final Post

Video Update 6/1/20

Hey All,

Thanks for a great year. I hope I have the chance to see you again next year. Have a great summer, and if you have an incomplete currently please do the following:

  1. If you have an incomplete and you are in the 50% range - Set up a phone call with me, do work, turn it in, and email me telling me what to do. Work is due by Thursday June 4th!
  2. If you have an incomplete and you are BELOW the 50% range - Know that in the fall you will have a final exam when we return in the fall. If you score a 60% or higher on the test you can earn a passing grade.
I will email out an email to all parents and students with a link to this post.

Regards and Have a Great Summer,

- Mr. T