
Showing posts from February, 2020

Feb 28 - Continue: Selma

Today we will continue our viewing of Selma.


Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Submit: CH 20 Notes
View: Selma

Homework: None

Feb 27 - Intro Civil Rights and Start: Selma

Today we will start our discussion of the Civil Rights movement. In doing so, we will discuss the context of the issue as well as start a hollywood depiction of the non-violent protests of Dr. King in Selma, Alabama.


Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discuss: Civil Rights Movement
Intro: Selma March
View: Selma

Homework: None
Common Sense Media
Selma Movie Poster Image
Outstanding drama about MLK's fight for equal rights.
  • PG-13
  • 2014
  • 122 minutes

Feb 26 - The Great Society (Day 2)

Today we are continuing our look into The Great Society. See PPT for directions and details.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp: 20.3
Pro/Con: The Great Society Speech
HTC #3

Homework: None

Feb 25 - The Great Society - Day 1

Hey Folks,

Today we are looking into Lyndon Johnson's Great Society speech and the programs that came out of that vision. This activity will take 2 class days. Today we will focus on the content of the speech and tomorrow we will look at arguments for and against the program.

See you soon!

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp: 20.1
HT #14
Read: The Great Society Speech

Homework: CH 20.3 (Notes)

Feb 24 - Intro Unit 6 and Discuss Kennedy

Today we will intro our next unit of study. The main points of emphasis will be the Civil Rights movement and the Vietnam War. Yet, there will be other topics as well.

See you soon!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Intro: Unit 6 (Assignment Sheet)
Discuss: JFK
Timeline Assignment: Kennedy and the Cold War

Homework: CH 20.1 Summary

Feb 14 - Finish: Pleasantville and Unit 5 Test

Hey All,

Today we are having our Valentine's Day party! Ha, could you imagine. You know I don't do that type of stuff. Instead we will take a test a watch a little more of our film from the late '90s about '50s culture...

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Finish: Pleasantville
Test: Unit 5

Homework: None

Feb 13 - Intro Writing Workshop and Pleasantville (Day 4)

Hey All,

Today we are looking to finish our paragraph. Thanks for taking time to review the content and improve on your own writing ability. Make sure to get feedback from 2 people and complete your final draft, and self grade.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Continue: Intro Writing Workshop
View: Pleasantville

Homework: Submit Intro Writing Workshop

Short Answer (for Friday's Test)

Using the paragraph formatting we have practiced last semester, please
respond to the question using evidence from the list provided.

  1. How did anti-communism drive foreign policy after WWII?

Potential Evidence:
Domino Theory (Domino Effect)
Truman Doctrine
Second Red Scare
Korean War
Douglas MacArthur

Feb 12 - Intro Writing Workshop and Pleasantville (Day 3)

Today we will attempt to finish a rough draft paragraph. If you are ready to share with peers, please do so.

Keep up the good work!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Continue: Intro Writing Workshop
View: Pleasantville

Homework: None

Feb 11 - Intro Writing Workshop and Pleasantville (Day 2)

Hey All,

Back at it again today. For today's workday, you should focus on brainstorming what a potential essay might be and work backward to your intro paragraph.

Good Luck,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Continue: Intro Writing Workshop
View: Pleasantville

Homework: None

Feb 10 - Intro Writing Workshop and Pleasantville (Day 1)

Hey All,

After spending 2 hours combing through missing assignments and late work, I came to the realization that a refresher course on essay writing strategies may be useful. This inspiration came from your peers that engaged in the alternative assignment to our A-Bomb debate.

Many of the essays did not start well (or end well for that matter), so I figured we would look into how to write a good introduction paragraph. If you would like extra credit on our Intro Writing Workshop just write "Live Long and Prosper" on the top of the first page in bold. Also please remind me about this agreement by referencing that you read this blog post. Thanks for the two of you that see this ; ).

See you soon,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Quick Review: CH 18-19 Quiz and Recent Assignments
HT #13
Start: Intro Writing Workshop
View: Pleasantville
     Common Sense Media Review

Homework: None

Feb 7 - Finish Cultural Case Study and CH 18-19 Quiz

Today we will finish our Cultural Case Study by looking at the show Father Knows Best.

After that we will take our quiz using the Chromebooks.


Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Finish: Cultural Case Study
Quiz: CH 18-19

Homework: None

Feb 6 - Continue Discussions on 1950s Culture

Hey All,

We have a lot to talk about today. Topics of post-war (WWII) politics and 1950s culture is on the agenda. We will complete anything we don't get to on Friday.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Submit: Cold War Pop Culture Questions
Stamp: CH 19.3
Discuss: Post WWII Politics
HT #12
Discuss: 1950s Culture
Case Study: Cultural Examinations

Homework: Bring CH 19 Notes and Study for Quiz

Feb 5 - Review Cold War Pop Culture and Discuss Post-WWII Politics

Hey All,

We have a bit to catch up with on our short day. We will review the Cold War Pop Culture task from yesterday and intro 1950s culture. Wake up, pay attention, and let's go!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp: CH 19.2
Discuss: Cold War and the American Society
Review: Cold War Pop Culture
HT #11
Discuss: Post WWII Politics

Homework: CH 19.3 (Summary)

HT #11

Feb 4 - SUB PLAN Cold War Pop Culture Task



Hey All,

Sorry that I can't be with you today. Please follow the directions below and email me if you have any problems. Just trying to kick this cold bug. And remember, I would love an exceptional report from our substitute. Any issues will result in a referral.


Mr. T
  1. Main Task: Your main objective is to access the reading Cold War Pop Culture
    1. Click on the hyperlink for Cold War Pop Culture
    2. Read through the document and focus on the highlighted sections
    3. Answer the following questions on a piece of paper (see image below)
    4. Hold on to paper for review tomorrow
  2. Secondary Task: Read and take notes on CH 19.2
    1. If you do not do this in class it is homework that I will collect tomorrow
    2. This is not optional! Use the classtime given to work on this if you are done with the main task.
  3. Homework: CH 19.2 Notes

Today we will recap some of the "must-knows" of Cold War study and look into the perception of communism through our Cold War Pop Culture Task.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discuss: Cold War and the American Society
Start: Cold War Pop Culture

Homework: CH 19.2 (Notes)

Feb 3 - Then and Now Reading and Cold War Pop Culture


Today we will continue our discussion about the Cold War. We will look into the history and progression of nuclear weapons as well as American perceptions of soviet culture.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

HT #10
Quick Read: Then and Now
Discuss: Cold War and the American Society
Start: Cold War Pop Culture

Homework: None

Cold War Pop Culture Task