
Showing posts from January, 2020

Jan 31 - Finish: The Atomic Café

Today we will finish our documentary and then start a one page reading on the development of nuclear weapons.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Collect CH 18
Finish: The Atomic Café
Quick Read: The Bomb

Homework: None

Jan 30 - Continue: The Atomic Café

Today we will be continuing the Atomic Café. Remember your 25 bullets and answers to the questions.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp: CH 18.4
HT #9
Finish: The Atomic Cafe

Homework: CH 18 Notes

HT #9 Video

Jan 29 - Intro: The Cold War and Start: The Atomic Café

Hey All,

Great job on the debate the other day. Today we will intro the Cold War and get started on our documentary that focuses on the issues surrounding the time period.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp 18.1
HT #8
Intro: The Cold War
View: The Atomic Cafe

Homework: CH 18.4 (Summary)

The Atomic Café

Jan 28 - A-Bomb Debate

Hey All,

Today we will begin our debate. Please follow my lead and engage the best you can. We will have the chromebooks out for help and I will be tracking debate participation.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Debate: A-Bomb
Self Grade: A-Bomb Debate

Homework: CH 18.1 (Notes)

Jan 27 - Finish Research for A-Bomb Debate

Today we need to work effectively with our teams to finish our research. This includes answers to questions, statements, and rebuttals.

The better you do today, the smoother the debate tomorrow!

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Research: A-Bomb

Homework: Finish ALL Research for Debate

Jan 24 - Start: A-Bomb Debate (Rally Day)

Today we will begin our debate prep. You will be using your best research skills to find information that helps with debate. Pay attention to directions and use the form provided in class.

Good Luck,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Research: A-Bomb

Homework: None

Jan 23 - Discuss: Winning the War and Start: A-Bomb Debate

Today we will be reflecting on yesterday's lesson and transitioning to the next. The next lesson will focus on the end of the war and the dropping of the atomic bomb.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Review and Submit: Korematsu Readings
HTC #2
History Today #7
Discuss: Winning the War
Start: A-Bomb Debate

Homework: None

Jan 22: Discuss Homefront Issues and Read: Korematsu v. U.S.

Hey All,

Today we will be having a split lesson. Half of the class with a quick discussion about the homefront during the war, and the other half diving into a reading about Japanese internment.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Review: EDpuzzle
History Today #6
Discuss: Homefront Issues
Reading Task: Korematsu v. United States

Homework: None

Jan 21 - EDpuzzle WWII

Today we are literally getting a Crash Course on what happens after we join the war. Hope that today helps us set up the rest of the short week.

Also, we are amending the Unit Assignment Sheet. Basically, we are pushing everything left in the unit back one week and ending the unit the Friday before Winter (President's) Break.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Amend: Unit Assignment Sheet
History Today #5
Edpuzzle: WWII

Homework: None

Jan 17 - Finish Double V Reading and CH 16/17 Quiz

Today we will be taking our first quiz of the semester. Please access the notes from our class assignments and our readings for assistance.

Best of Luck,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Finish Reading Activity: Double V
Quiz: Ch 16/17

Homework: None

Jan 16 - Reading Activity - Double V

Today we will complete a Google Classroom reading assignment, but with a bit of a twist. Follow my lead today and you will be just fine!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp: 17.4
History Today #5
Reading Activity: Double V

Homework: CH 17 Readings and Quiz Tomorrow

History Today #5

Jan 15 - Discuss Mobilization

Sorry for so much discussion of the content. We will have an independent activity tomorrow. Yet, this discussion is very important today. We are talking about the process necessary to go to war.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp: 17.1
Discuss: Mobilizing for War

Homework: CH 17.4 (Summary)

Jan 14 - Group Presentations and Discuss: Mobilization

Hey All,

Today we will be giving our 9 presentations. After that we will discuss some of the mobilization efforts for war in the United States.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Finish: Group Task - America Enters the War
HTC #1
Discuss: Mobilizing for War

Homework: CH 17.1 (Notes)

Jan 13 - Start: America Enters the War (Group Task)

Today we will be starting a task that breaks down key aspects of America entering the war. Please follow all directions in class and on Google Classroom.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

HT #3
Start: Group Task - America Enters the War

Homework: None

Jan 10 - Finish Isolationist v. Internationalist Reading

We will be completing our reading task today. Make sure to ask good questions and pay attention to anything that we review. We will take the last 10 minutes to discuss our next assignment that we will be completing Monday.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Submit: CH 16 Notes
Reading: Isolationist vs. Internationalist
Start: Group Task - America Enters the War

Homework: None

Jan 9 - Reading Activity: Isolationist vs. Internationalist

Today we will get into our Google Classroom assignment that shows arguments for and against war. Please follow all the directions on the template and use your time wisely. As always, we will discuss the concepts as you are working on it.

See you soon,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp 16.4
HT #2
Discuss:  WWII (Overview)
Reading: Isolationist vs. Internationalist

Homework: CH 16 Reading Notes

Jan 8 - Finish WWII Overview and Isolationalist vs. Internationalists

Today we will be wrapping up our overview discussion about dictators and American neutrality. After that we will head over to Google Classroom and read about those that want to go to war and those that want to avoid it.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp 16.1
Discuss:  WWII (Overview)
Reading: Isolationist vs. Internationalist

Homework: Read CH 16.4 (Notes)

Jan 7 - Intro Unit 5 (WWII Pre-Test and Discuss WWII)

Hey All,

Welcome back! We will be getting right into a pretty large unit. We will take our time getting through it, so have not fear. All things WWII, origins of the Cold War, and 1950s Culture.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

History Today
Preview: Unit 5 Assignment Sheet
Pretest: WWII 
Discuss: WWII (Overview)

Homework: Read CH 16.1 (Summary)