
Showing posts from November, 2019

Nov 22 - Finish New Deal Project

Today we will work in our teams to finish our New Deal project. Please keep up with our workday goal and get to work!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp 15.2 and then submit CH 15 Readings
Continue: New Deal Project

Homework: Submit New Deal Project

Nov 21 - Continue: New Deal Project

Today will be our first full workday. Use it well and stay with the pacing of the workday goals!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Continue: New Deal Project

Homework: CH 15.2 Summary (Bring all CH 15 Readings for submission)

Nov 20 - Start: New Deal Project

I am excited for us to start our first project that will end in a presentation. Looking forward to it.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp: CH 15.1
Start: New Deal Project

Homework: None

Nov 19 - Intro CH 15 and Start: New Deal Project

Today we will discuss FDR and his New Deal policies. After that we will intro our New Deal project assignment and have our first New Deal presentation by yours truly... Mr. Thiemann

Thanks and see you soon!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

HT #24
Intro: CH 15 – The New Deal
Start: New Deal Project

Homework: CH 15.1 (Notes)

Nov 18 - CH 13/14 Quiz and Finish Dust Bowl Activity

Today we will be taking our CH 13/14 quiz. Additionally, we will finish our group task that we started on Friday.

Please use the link below to vote for School Site Council.

- Mr. T

School Site Council Voting

Agenda (PPT)

Quiz: CH 13/14
Activity: Dust Bowl
     Part 2 = Steinbeck/Lange Art Examination

Homework: Submit Dust Bowl Activity

Nov 15 - Dust Bowl Activity

Today we will be completing a table group activity that will follow a whole class pacing. Pay attentions to the written and verbal directions and leverage the strength of your team to complete the task.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discuss: Life During the Depression
Activity: Dust Bowl
     Part 1 = Causes of the Dustbowl
     Part 2 = Steinbeck/Lange Art Examination

Homework: Finish CH 14 for Monday’s Quiz

Nov 14 - Discuss: The Dust Bowl

Today we will discuss the Dust Bowl. This is an environmental catastrophe that made the Great Depression even worse. Yay...

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp 14.2
Activity: Great Depression Flow Chart
HTC #9
HT #23
Discuss: Life During the Depression

Homework: None (Quiz pushed to Monday)

HT #23

Nov 13 - Discuss: Causes of the Great Depression

Today we will start exploring the causes of the Great Depression. This will be part discussion and part flow chart showing the progression of the depression (including key causes).

See links below for those that are absent!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp 14.1
Finish Activity: Depression v. Recession
Discuss: Causes of the Great Depression
Activity: Great Depression Flow Chart
HTC #9

Homework: CH 14.2 Summary

HTC #9

Nov 12 - Activity: What is a Depression

Today we will be starting our discussion on the Great Depression. This is an interesting period of struggle in American history that comes after such great prosperity.

See you soon,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Return Work
Intro: The Great Depression (definitions)
Activity: Depression v. Recession

Homework: CH 14.1 Note Taking

Nov 8 - Finish Homer v. 18th Amendment

Today we will finish our Simpson's episode. After that, we will finish our worksheet, synthesize the information learned, and share with peers.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Submit: CH 13 Readings
Activity: Homer v. 18th Amendment

Homework: None

Nov 7 - Discuss: Prosperity and Prohibition

Today we will be having a short discussion about 1920s culture, this time centered around prosperity and prohibition. After that we will start our Simpson's episode that parallels the process of prohibition.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp: CH 13.4
Discuss: Prosperity and Prohibition
Start: Homer v. 18th Amendment

Homework: Assemble CH 13 Readings

Nov 6 - Finish: On the Shoulders of Giants

Today we will be finishing our documentary about the Harlem Rens. Make sure to stay focused and finish all the questions.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp: CH 13.1
Finish: On the Shoulders of Giants

Homework: CH 13.4 Summary

Nov 5 - Discuss Flappers and Fundamentalists and Continue Documentary

Today we will discuss some of the cultural changes during the 1920s as well as the fundamentalist response.

After the short discussion, we will continue our viewing of On the Shoulders of Giants.

See ya soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discuss: Flappers and Fundamentalists
Continue: On the Shoulders of Giants

Homework: CH 13.1 (Note Taking)

Nov 4 - Intro Unit 4 and Start: On the Shoulders of Giants

Today we will be starting our final unit of the semester. This unit will start in the 1920s and take us the New Deal programs of FDR.

As we get into our first section of the unit (the culture of the 1920s), we will examine the phenomenon of the Harlem Renaissance. This is a time when African American culture had a safe space to flourish in the community of Harlem in New York city. We will examine a specific side-effect of this Renaissance through the development of the Harlem Rens basketball team.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Submit: Political Cartoons
HT #22
Intro: Unit 4 (Unit Assignment Sheet)
Start: On the Shoulders of Giants (WS)

Homework: None

On the Shoulders of Giants