
Showing posts from October, 2019

Nov 1 - Unit 3 Test

Today we have to take our unit test and then submit our political cartoons. You will have whatever time is left after the test to complete the cartoon.

Thanks for the hard work this unit!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Test: Unit 3
Finish: Political Cartoons

Homework: None

Oct 31 - WWI Political Cartoon

Today, we will engage with post-war agreements one final time. We will examine political cartoons of WWI and have a chance to create one ourselves.

Remember, trying and finishing is key. There is a pretty clear rubric for this task, so make sure to read and understand that.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Analyze: Political Cartoons after WWI
Create: Political Cartoons

Homework: Study for Unit 3 Test

Oct 30 - Finish Comparative Analysis of Treaty of Versailles and 14 Points

Today we will be getting some new seats and finishing our Google Classroom activity.

Please make sure to follow the directions and have some take-a-ways about the Treaty of Versailles and American Isolationism.


- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Compare/Contrast: 14 Points and Treaty of Versailles

Homework: None

Oct 29 - Treaty of Versailles vs. 14 Pts

Today we will be taking a closer look at the specifics of how the war ended. We will start a Google Classroom activity today that we will finish tomorrow.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

HT #21
Recap: 14 Points and Treaty of Versailles
Compare/Contrast: 14 Points and Treaty of Versailles

Homework: None

Oct 28 - Discuss: Major Themes of WWI

Today we will be discussing some of the major themes of WWI. Get ready to take some notes and answer some on the spot questions.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

HT #20
Discuss: Themes of WWI

Homework: None

Oct 25 - Finish Entry into War Activity

Today we are going to finish our study of America's entry into WWI. We will do this by reading an excerpt from Howard Zinn's People's History of the United States.

In doing so we will see a unique take on why the U.S. may have been motivated to go to war.

Any remaining time we have will be spent looking over Moral Diplomacy and Wilson's 14 Points.

Happy River Bowl,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Submit: CH 11 Readings
Finish Activity: U.S. Entry into WWI
Discuss: Themes of WWI

Homework: None

Howard Zinn Revisionist History

Oct 24 - Intro WWI and Activity: Entry into War

Today we be formally introducing World War I. Spent some good time developing a solid task for you all.

Please stay engaged and follow along. Readings are attached if you are absent.

See you soon,

Agenda (PPT)

HT #19
Intro: WWI
Activity: U.S. Entry into WWI 

Homework: Finish CH 11 Reading for submission tomorrow

Oct 23 - SUB PLAN Workday CH 11.3

Today you will all have a workday to focus on CH 11.3 readings. I hope you use the time wisely and finish your CH 11 reading tasks.

See you Thursday!

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp: CH 11.1
Workday: CH 11.3

Homework: None

Oct 22 - American Experience "The Great War"

Today we will take a break of sorts and ease into WWI with a documentary film from PBS.

This series is available on Amazon Prime and called The Great War.


Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Review: Timeline Project
View: American Experience – The Great War

Homework: CH 11.1 Summary

Please see this link from Principal Perez

Sadies Dance


Oct 21 - Finish Spanish American War Poster and Quiz CH 9/10

Today we will be finalizing our Spanish-American War posters and then taking a quick quiz.

To be best prepared for our quiz, as well as prepared for the week we need to discuss the foreign policy strategies that the Imperial presidents employed.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

FINISH: Spanish American War Poster
     (15 Min)
HT #18
Discuss: Presidential Foreign Policy
Quiz: CH 9/10

Homework: None

Oct 18 - Finish Spanish American War Poster

Simple task...finish strong. We will be taking another whole work day to complete the task. I want these to be awesome!

Good Luck,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Finish: Spanish American War Poster
HTC #7
Discuss: Presidential Foreign Policy
Quiz: CH 9/10

Homework: Chapter 9/10 Quiz Monday

Oct 17 - Spanish American War Poster Workday

Today we need to focus on our posters. Please make sure to follow all the directions, stay engaged, ask good questions, and finish the task.

Best of luck,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp 10.4
Poster Project: Spanish American War
HTC #7

Homework: Finish CH 10 Readings

Oct 16 - Quick Discuss Spanish American War and Start Poster Project

Today we are going to be quickly discussing the Spanish-American War and then starting our poster project on the same topic of discussion.

Before starting down that path we will be finishing our previous day's lesson on American Exceptionalism.

Thanks for your efforts,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp CH 10.2
     Review EDpuzzle: American Exceptionalism
     HTC #7
Quick Discuss: Spanish American War
Poster Project: Spanish American War

Homework: CH 10.4 Summary for EC

Oct 15 - EDpuzzle: American Exceptionalism

Today we will take a deeper dive into American Exceptionalism. We will do that through the review of a video examining this issue with questions throughout.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

HT #17
EDpuzzle: American Exceptionalism
     Completed on a separate sheet of paper and to be submitted at the end of class
HTC #7

Homework: CH 10.2 Notes for EC

HT #17

EDpuzzle American Exceptionalism

HTC #7

Oct 14 - Discuss: American Imperialism

Today we will transition to the core of our new unit, American Imperialism. We will look into why America transitioned into foreign policy and the impacts that had on the rest of the world.

Today will mostly be a discussion and note taking time, but we will transition into a different learning modality (types of things we do in class) by the end of the week.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

HT #16
Discuss: American Imperialism
HTC #6

Homework: None

Oct 11 - SUB DAY Finish: Gilded Age Timeline Project

Hey Guys and Gals,

Today you know what to do:

  1. Turn in your CH 9 Readings
  2. Work as hard as you can to finish your timeline in 40 minutes
  3. If you can't finish, still transition into the comments protocol of the assignment
    1. Two comments from Vulcan Partner
    2. Two comments from Bajoran Partner
  4. Finish a completed project before the due date time this evening at 11:59PM
Please make me a proud teacher today. Let the sub leave a report that praises you all as students and our class environment overall. The alternative will not end well for either of us.

Thanks and have a great weekend,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Turn in CH 9 Reading Assignment
Workday 4: Timeline Project

Homework: Submit Project to Google Classroom

Oct 10 - Discuss Wilson and Workday #3

Today we are finishing our discussion of progressive presidents with Woodrow Wilson. Hopefully you are able to read a little about his presidency before class and already have some information to apply to your timeline.

Let's try to finish strong this week with our workday. It is expected that your timeline is mostly finished and ready to review for Friday.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp: 9.5
Discuss: Wilson’s Presidency
Workday 3: Timeline Project

Homework: Finish Project and Finish Notes!!!

Oct 9 - Discuss Taft and Workday #2 - Timeline Project

Hey All,

Today we will be discussing our largest president (over 350 lbs) and the only one to serve as a supreme court chief justice after the fact.

After that you will have time to work on your timelines. Stay focused and work hard!

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discuss: Taft’s Presidency
Workday 2: Timeline Project

Homework: 9.5 Summary for EC

Oct 8 - Discuss Roosevelt and Workday #1 - Timeline Project

Hey Folks,

Today we will be discussing the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt. We will focus on his progressive era reforms and his legacy as a "trust buster".

Let us be like Roosevelt and follow his advice on life:

“ In life, as in a football game, the principle . . . is: Hit the line hard.” - Theodore Roosevelt

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp 9.3
Discuss: Roosevelt’s Presidency
Workday 1: Timeline Project

Homework: None

Oct 7 - Discuss Progressivism and Intro: Timeline Project

Today we will intro our third unit. This gets us into the 20th Century and we will focus on American foreign policy. Yet, our first chapter of the unit (CH 9) will focus on the Progressive Era response to the Gilded Age problems.

That is what we will focus on this week and we will complete a digital timeline project, graphically illustrating those connections.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

HT #15 – Modern America Emerges
Discuss: Progressivism (CH 9)
Intro: Timeline Project

Homework: CH 9.3 Notes for EC (good info for the timeline too)

Oct 4 - Unit 2 Test

Good luck today. This is when your hard work pays off.

See you soon and have a great (and safe) homecoming weekend!


Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Test: Unit 2


A little clip to make you happy...

Oct 3 - Paragraph Peer Review and Kahoot

Hopefully you all have an attempt at a completed paragraph response. That way we can jump straight into peer review.

During the peer review please pay close attention to the process and feedback instructions on the PowerPoint.

After that we will play a little round of Kahoot! that will help us with our Unit 2 Test.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Stamp 8.4
Peer Grade: Structured Paragraph
Kahoot! Review: Unit 2

Homework: Finish Chapter 8 Readings

Oct 2 - Unit Question Writing Template and Workday Wednesday

Hey Folks,

Today we will be finishing our previous lesson and using the remainder of our Wednesday Workday for completing a paragraph response to our Unit Level Question and working on our 8.4 Summaries.

Thanks for the effort!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Finish: W.E.B. DuBois Reading
Review and Write: Structured Paragraph
Workday Wednesday: CH 8.4 Summary

Homework: Ch 8.4 Summary for Tomorrow EC