
Showing posts from August, 2019

Aug 30 - Finish CH 2 Discussion

Thanks for a great first half of our CH 2 discussion. I know that things can get boring. Keep asking good questions and that will help.

Today we will finish the notes (or I hope to get that far). Stay focused and keep asking the good questions.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discuss: CH 2 - Revolution to Constitution

Homework: None

Aug 29 - Discuss: CH 2

Today we will be talking about CH 2 as a whole. Hope you have context from your reading as well as questions you might be able to ask.

Looking forward to seeing you all!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

History Today #6
Discuss: CH 2 - Revolution to Constitution

Homework: Finish Notes and Summaries for CH 2

HT #6 Video

Aug 28 - CH 1 Quiz Makeup and ReTake and CH 2.2 Summary Day

More, in class time, to work on readings. This time should be spent well and you will receive credit for staying on task.

Additionally, we will have quiz retakes and makeups going on. Make sure to be respectful of your classmates testing time.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Make Up and Re-Take: CH 1 Quiz
Workday: CH 2

Homework: Read CH 2.2 (Summary) CH 2.3 (Notes)

Aug 27 - Ch 2 Workday

Today we will discuss our quiz scores, CH 1 Notes (the good and the bad), and have time to align our work with the class expectations.

Hopefully you come away more motivated for the future, and also know a little about our Revolutionary time period!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

History Today #5
Return and Reflect: CH 1 Notes
Workday: CH 2.1

Homework: Read CH 2.2 (Summary) CH 2.3 (Notes)

Aug 26 - Finish About Me Paragraph

Hey All,

Hope you had a restful weekend. Today we will be easing into the work week by finishing our About Me paragraphs. If you accidentally submitted prematurely, please unsubmit.

I hope that we can all snag a bunch of points on this assignment!

Also, if you still do not have the Unit Assignment Sheet make sure to get an updated copy here.

Agenda (PPT)

Quick Chat: CH 1
Finish: About Me Paragraph
HTC #2

Homework: Read Ch 2.1 (Notes)

Football Highlights

Time to get back up and try again vs. Corning.

Aug 23 - Review Chapter 1 and Quiz

Hey Folks,

Hope you all feel confident about your first quiz. Whatever happens, there is only room for improvement. There will be many opportunities for you to demonstrate your knowledge and earn points this year. In other words, don't freak out too bad.

See you soon,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

History Today #4
Review: Chapter 1
Quiz: Chapter 1

Homework: Read Ch 2.1 (Notes)... work on this only if you can.

Aug 22 - About Me Paragraph

Today we will have all class to get out paragraphs straight. You are talking about yourself so it should be easy. Make sure you are following all directions and aligning your work with the rubric!

Good Luck,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

HTC#1 - Sorry, didn't do this yesterday... my bad
History Today #3
Discuss: Google Drive and Chromebook Usage
Start: About Me Paragraph
HTC #2

Homework: Finish all reading for Friday. Bring to class organize and ready to be used on the quiz and submitted.

Aug 21 - Google Drive and Chromebook Expectations

The rest of the week should give us some time to switch gears. I want to make sure that we are all proficient with Chromebooks and Google Drive applications such as Docs. So we will be checking out the Chromebooks and practicing our skills.

Tomorrow we will take that to the next level with the completion and submission of a Google Classroom assignment.

See you around,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

History Today #2
Discuss: Google Drive and Chromebook Usage
History Today Closure #1

Homework: CH 1.3 (Note Taking) and CH 1.4 (Summary)

Aug 20 - FINISH CH 1 Notes and Skim and Scan Lesson

Hey All,

One way or another, we are finishing our chat about Chapter 1. After that we can reference our skimming and scanning handout to make sure we are all good with the textbook readings.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discuss: Creating a New Nation
Skim and Scan: CH 1.1

Homework: CH 1.2 and 1.3 (Note Taking) Awesome note taking resource I found!

Aug 19 - Finish CH 1 Discussion and Skim/Scan Ch 1.1

Hope you all had a restful weekend. Glad that the heat has simmered down a bit.

Today we will start using our composition books for History Today activities. Also, we will finish our discussion and practice "not reading" the textbook. ; )

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

History Today #1
Discuss: Creating a New Nation
Skim and Scan: CH 1.1

Homework: Read CH 1.1 (Summary) and 1.2 (Note Taking)

Aug 16 - Materials Check and Finish Discussion on CH 1

It's Friday already. Don't you wish all weeks were only three days? Today we will finish our discussion and check to make sure that you followed up on your responsibilities to bring materials to class.

Hope you have a restful weekend, and remember to look over that unit assignment sheet and keep up on your readings.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Turn In: Syllabus Signatures
Check: Composition Books
Review: Unit Assignment Sheet
Discuss: Creating a New Nation
Skim and Scan: CH 1.1 
     Probably pushed to Monday

Homework: Read CH 1.1 (Summary) and 1.2 (Note Taking) DO THIS ONLY IF COMFORTABLE AND WANT TO GET AHEAD

Aug 15 - Discussion: Creating a New Nation

You came back! Day one is always exciting, but day two is when the grind starts and reality sets in. Again, hope you are reading this blog. It is very important.

Today we will be goofing around and then discussing the founding of our nation. Knowing my style, we probably will not finish what I have planned.

Happy to see you again,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Participate: Star Trek Partners
Review: Unit Assignment Sheet
Discuss: Creating a New Nation

Homework: Buy Composition Book, Read Unit Assignment Sheet, Bring Syllabus Signatures

August 14 - First Day!

Welcome back to school and welcome to Room 814! I'm hoping that this school year is informative, chill, and not a waste of time. Regardless of your love, or distain, for history I hope that you will continue to grow your academic skills that will help you in all of your classes.

Every day of instruction will have a blog post on this website. There will be hyperlinks for worksheets, PowerPoints, and Google Classroom assignments. It is important to have access to this site so you can stay up to date on what is going on in class.

Have a great first week and hope to see you all soon!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

 Locate: Your seat… take attendance
Introduction: Who is Mr. T
Distribute: Books, Syllabus, and Questionnaire
Review: Syllabus

Homework: Buy Composition Book, Fill out questionnaire, and get Syllabus Signatures